
People are always trying to avoid digital distortion, but we were using it
Publishing date July 11, 2016 Author 阿鲁卡多

Expensive Sound LOL

在去年 Justin Bieber 正式发布新专辑 Purpose 之前,他和 Skrillex、Diplo 合作的单曲 Where Are Ü Now 已经在 Billboard Hot 100 上拿到了非常好的成绩。随后纽约时报出品了这只作品的 幕后制作采访 ,其中 Justin Bieber 说了这样一段话:

It’s expensive, you know what I mean? It’s the sounds that they use are not cheap, they are very expensive sounding sounds.


先不论 Justin Bieber 在接受采访时的语言是否匮乏,他用 “Expensive” 一词来形容声音恰恰是没有任何问题的。在二十一世纪的今天,我们早已习得了上等食材的价值,「昂贵的声音」又有什么不可以?

Where Are Ü Now 当中最特别的音色是 drop 部分那个既像海豚声又像某种笛子的声音。在看了这段幕后制作采访后,你当然可以轻易地说出「喔,这个音色啊,是用了 Justin Bieber 的人声 sample 通过调制得来的」,但这背后的 Know-how 体现了它昂贵的本质。

You can destroy a sound so many times that it loses its quality, which is a cool thing and I like it. People are always trying to avoid digital distortion, but we were using it.

Skrillex 在采访中这样说道。我想补充的是,人类或许在这个时空中永远无法消除 distortion,只有学会操纵它(manipulation)才是艺术。

推荐观看:Portrait of a Sound Design Artist

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